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Herman van den Boom (Essen, 1950)
Van den Boom is in 1950 in Belgie geboren. Hij is internationaal bekend en heeft soloexposities gehad onder andere in New York. Momenteel geniet hij veel bekendheid als fotograaf. In zijn werk saat de mens en de natuur centraal.Van den Boom received his education at the Eindhoven's Academy for Industrial Design (1968–1970), at the Academy for Fine Arts Enschede (now known as ArtEZ Institute of the Arts) (1970–1974), and at the Royal University College of Fine Arts in Stockholm (1970). He became a photography professor later in his career and taught at the AKI (1978–1980), the Royal Academy of Fine Arts (Antwerp) (HISK, 2002), and at the Photography Academy for Fine Arts Maastricht (2003 and 2005), and lately at the Foto Factory, Amsterdam.Travelling is a central element in his work and many of his photographs are taken on the road. Belgium, the United States, France, Spain, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Mexico, among others, appear in his pictures. Van den Boom works mainly with photographs, although he has also produced collages and sculptures. His photographs are both black and white and colour images with nature, cityscapes and human figures as a main subject. The resulting product evokes the poetry of the real world, in search of striking vantage points and light effects.`Herman van den Boom's ability to notice details that he then plays against the broader backgrounds of society and culture turn his work into esthetical, intriguing studies in human landscape that should be approached as metaphors questioning the way we are and live as human beings.`
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